I’m not sure about all of you, but I always struggle with binge-watching shows. I do much better when it’s spaced out and given to us episode by episode. Which is why the daunting task of always trying to catch up on the Netflix Marvel shows was so difficult for me. For years, people were telling me to watch Daredevil, catch up on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and watch The Defenders. And I always wanted to, but was too overwhelmed…that was until our watch parties! I’m so glad we got to finish Season 1 all together. It gave me something to look forward to every week, being able to watch and connect with all of you. Plus it’s more fun watching all together for the first time (or rewatching for some!) and getting to bond over our mutual love of Marvel.
All that being said, I wanted to talk a little bit today about my thoughts on this first season of Daredevil. For starters, I thought the pacing was spectacular. It wasn’t overly action packed, but it wasn’t too slow either, which I was very appreciative of. I enjoyed the way that they spaced out the scenes and allowed us to learn about the characters. It’s so interesting to watch their plot development, and I loved getting to learn more about Matt, Foggy and Karen (even though we all know I hated Karen to start, haha!). I also loved learning about Kingpin. I think he is up there on the list of my favorite Marvel villains for sure. The way they get us to sympathize with him even though he is so purely downright evil makes him SUCH a good villain. I’m really excited to see more of him in the upcoming seasons and even more excited to see him in the upcoming Daredevil: Born Again series! I will say this though (and you already know if you’ve been watching with me on my livestreams LOL) but the gore? Oh god…especially that scene towards the end of Episode 4 (you all know the one). I can’t. It was just too much at times. This is the exact reason I had to stop watching The Boys, because they just take it a liiiiitle too far. It makes your skin crawl, your teeth clench, and your stomach churn. Though I would say that Daredevil compared to The Boys definitely seems a bit more kindhearted LOL. Definitely going to continue watching this show. I’ve got my emotional support T’Challa to keep me company and help me through the scary parts. Also, all of you! Your warnings are much appreciated <3 Overall I’m really glad I decided to start watching Daredevil. I can totally see the hype behind this show now that I’ve watched the first season. Matt is such a good and intricate character, and the plot keeps you on your toes. I am excited to see more of what happens in Season 2 and 3, and I’m looking forward to finally say we watched the whole thing! ⅓ of the way there now, you guys! <3
I am simply SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP over this trailer you guys! The Into the Spider-Verse movie has such a special place in my heart, and I cannot wait to get even more of the Spider-Verse in Across the Spider-Verse! So let's break it down...
0:00-0:05 Love this little intro and it even looks like they gave a little head nod to the way that the other Spider-People entered the other dimensions with the way they are moving through time and the way their eyes on their masks squint! Plus it looks like Gwen, Miles and Peter B. are talking to another Spider variant? Five seconds in and we're off to a good start LOL 0:05-0:14 The Spider-Verse glitch just itches that spot in my brain JUST right. I love it so much 😭 0:14-0:21 All I could think about during this part was how beautiful the art in these movies always is. God, I love the Spider-Verse art style so much, man. 0:21-0:43 I love Miles' mom 😭 this whole conversation with them is making me wonder if she may know that he is now Spider-Man? Or at least might have an idea? Either that or Miles has just been seeming so much more tired to her lately and she is worried 🙁 0:43-0:57 Loving these callback clips they are making me CRY 0:57-1:00 THE FLIP!!! THE UPSIDE DOWN FLIP!!! IT GIVES ME CHILLS EVERY SINGLE TIME 1:00-1:04 This clip looks like a new one!! Unless I'm forgetting Miles stopping a literal car in the last movie LOL. 1:04-1:05 I LOVE PETER B. PARKER AND MILES' RELATIONSHIP SO SO MUCH PLEASE I JUST UGH I LOVE THEM 1:05-1:07 THAT COMIC FLASH okay he's either glitching because of something going on in the Spider-Verse or that was just artistic style for the trailer but either way AHHHHHH. 1:07-1:09 Don't tell Spider-Ham about that hot dog 😋 1:09-1:12 Not gonna like this low-key makes me think that Miles' dad is going to die, or has died AND I'M NOT ABOUT THAT I LOVE HIM 1:12-1:20 GWEN GWEN GWEN GLITCH GLITCH GLITCH I LOVE THIS SOOOO SO MUCH but also HOW WHY WHEN HOW IS SHE THERE HOW WAS SHE ABLE TO CROSS UNIVERSES 1:20-1:32 PORTAL JUMPING?! POSSIBLE WEB OF LIFE?! PETER B IS BACK HECK YESSSSS YOU GUYS 1:32-1:35 I freaking adore them, I ship them so hard. I love Gwen and Miles so so much 😭 1:35-1:39 IS THAT SPIDER-WOMAN?! HECK YES!!! 1:40-1:41 Okay so it's looking like maybe they are keeping tabs on Spider-People here? Interesting. 1:41-1:43 SPIDER-MAN 2099 HECK YESS!!!!! 1:43-1:47 I wanna know who this purple and gold suit Spidey they are talking to is!! Who is he? Give us the deets! 1:47-1:54 I swear to god if anything happens to Miles' mom I will lose it. She cares about him so much 🥹 1:54-1:59 SO MANY SPIDER-PEOPLE! AND THE SPIDER-VERSE MUSIC OH MY GOD I AM LOSING IT 1:59-2:02 The fact that we get to hear Oscar Issac's voice for the first time as Spidey 2099 right now? Perfection. PERFECTION. I LOVE IT. 2:02-2:07 Loving the fact that we get so many different art styles here! And also, is this gonna be like a war against Spider-People? Gwen seems super upset about whatever is going on. Oh god. 2:07-2:10 AND NOW MILES IS FIGHTING 2099 oh god. OH GOD. 2:10-2:29 This summer can't come soon enough. I can't wait for this movie. Oh my god. Honestly you guys, I really loved the way that they made this trailer because I feel like it gives us a taste of what to expect for this film without giving a super ton away, you know? I love going into movies only knowing a very limited plot of what may happen because I feel like I enjoy it more, so this makes me so happy to see. I can't wait for this! How about all of you? So I know I’m a little late to the game on this one, but WOW that Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 trailer the other day you guys! I so loved the Guardians in the Holiday Special and I’m so excited to have them back. But…the trailer is also scaring me a little bit. There’s a lot going on here, so let’s break it down and talk about some reactions, shall we?
0:00-0:03 I love how the intro faded into the music player that they have on the ship! Marvel is always coming in clutch with those transitions, man, it always makes the cinematography so incredible. 0:03-0:06 I love Quill’s new outfit here, I think the Nova Corps probably supplied this to them is my guess? Also side thought here, but I’m curious to see how this will tie in to Thor: Love and Thunder, or if they will even mention it in this film. Since that is the last time we saw them, technically (besides the Holiday Special!). 0:06-0:10 Looks like the gang’s been traveling a lot! Which makes sense after they left Thor and said they had places to be, lol. 0:10-0:12 At first I thought they were going back to Earth with this shot, because it looks like a suburban neighborhood or something of that matter, so it was such a fun surprise later on in the trailer to see that it was a different neighborhood from a different planet! 0:12-0:15 The whole TEAM is rocking these new outfits! I love it! Also, the way Groot looks now absolutely KILLS me, he makes me laugh every time I see him on screen. In the best way though, I love this new Groot look! 0:16-0:24 It was so interesting to see how many different alien species were on this planet! It looks like there might be many instead of just one (such as just Kree or just Skrulls, etc.). I’m curious to know if there is a specific reason the Guardians are on this planet or if they are just checking in throughout the galaxy. 0:25-0:34 NOT DRAX JUST THROWING THAT DODGEBALL AT THAT KID HAHAHA I lost it 😂 I love Drax but I feel like his go-to is always just to hurl something or someone when he doesn’t know what’s going on HAHAH 0:34-0:39 Gosh, these space shots get me every time, they are so beautiful! Quill definitely seems upset though, I’m curious if it has to do with Gamora? 0:40-0:43 UM EXCUSE ME, BABY ROCKET? I’m excited to learn more about his backstory but I feel like it’s absolutely going to DESTROY ME, he looks so sad! 😟 0:43-0:47 Is that the Guardians in different colored suits? Are they about to do a space walk? I’m so curious. 0:50-0:51 GAMORA IS BACK!! But I’m also curious what that picture is. My guess is it’s either her and Quill (most likely), or it’s a picture of her and Nebula. But I also feel like Nebula totally would not let her take a picture together, both past and present so who knows about that one hahaha 😂 Or perhaps the whole team? 0:51-0:55 Okay so clearly Quill is unconscious here, but I totally doubt he’s injured because Rocket is straight up DRINKING A SMOOTHIE AHAHHA I can’t with them 0:55-0:59 Rocket’s “I’m done running” line is where it starts to make me nervous, here. I think it’s probably a great reflection of how he is going to face his past. But it also makes me think this might be the last we see of Rocket 🙁 0:59-1:01 Woah, was that a worm hole?! 1:02-1:03 I’m curious if that is Nebula just chilling, or if we are going to see more of her inner struggle that she may also have about Gamora? 1:03-1:04 Who is that running? Also the blue-robe person looks familiar, but I can’t quite place why? 1:05 GAMORA AGAINNNNN I feel like someone either broke into the ship she’s hanging out on, or she’s totally getting ready for battle here. 1:05-1:08 Okay so clearly Gamora goes to hang out with the Guardians again here, but it lowkey looks like a prison? They are all wearing orange jumpsuits…also was Drax shot? Also scared for him, too. I have a feeling Drax may go out after this one 😭 1:09-1:12 They’re JUMPIN THROUGH SPACE these guys are busy! Also, space walking again? We can see that it looks like it’s Mantis so it definitely is the Guardians. I’m curious why the space walk? What are they after here? 1:12-1:15 “We’ll all fly away together, one last time, into the forever and beautiful sky”. Oh god. This is another big reason why I think Rocket may be at the end. It also makes me think that the Guardians are going to face some super big threat this movie. And I’m SCARED. 1:15-1:18 Who is Quill jumping at? WHAT ARE THEY RUNNING FROM?! WHO’S SHIP IS CHASING THEM I’M SCARED-- 1:18-1:19 It’s nice to see Nebula so happy for once! I feel like she’s got so much trauma and weight on her, so to see her having fun is so nice. 1:19-1:21 Who is that dude? Someone is hurt. I just know it. The little blood drop is confirming it for me. And I think it’s gonna be Rocket. AND I DON’T WANT HIM TO GO I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. 1:21-1:23 I think this is the scene where either Rocket or Drax dies. I’m calling it right now. Ugh. So sad though. 1:23-1:25 OMG ROCKET’S FRIEND 🥰 my heart 1:25-1:27 ALIENS ALIENS ALIENS 1:27-1:28 I know this guy and I can’t figure out why! Who is that? Is that Adam Warlock? I feel like it is. That sounds right in my head. 1:29-1:35 Groot’s “We Are Groot” I am crying 😭 and Rocket surrounded by white light? I feel like this is going to be a scene of him dying for sure. Also not Groot using like 20 tree limbs to shoot HAHAH that was awesome! 1:35-1:43 LOVE the logo for this movie! And loved that it was in a different language before changing to say “Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3” in English. 1:43-1:52 If Drax dies, I’M GOING TO MISS QUIPS LIKE THIS HAHAH he’s such a good character, I love how literal he is but also how hilarious he is. 1:52-1:56 THE DATE, so close yet so far! Every year, a Marvel movie comes out around the time of my birthday, and this is my 2023 birthday week movie, so I’m pumped! Overall, I’m super scared for what might happen to the Guardians this round. I’m excited to get more of them, though, I feel like they are so fun and such a great group of Heroes to watch on screen! I think I’m most excited to learn more about Rocket’s backstory. How about all of you? May can’t come soon enough! |
AuthorJess (@femalepeterparker) is a Marvel Content Creator who creates skits on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube revolving around what the Avengers do when they are off Super Hero duty. Archives
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