I cannot believe that we are already at the season finale of She-Hulk! I have loved every single bit of this show, but I have to say I think this finale was my favorite episode of all. It was so off the rails and crazy at every turn! And I cannot WAIT to discuss all my favorite parts. If you want to hear me talking in depth about the episode on podcast format, I was on The Keeg Show this morning right after the episode dropped! It was 4:00 am for me! Pretty early, but this one was SO worth it. You can watch it HERE if you are interested! Otherwise....
SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 9 OF SHE-HULK BELOW! Okay, there is SO much to talk about with this episode, so I'm going to take things one at a time. I know we're all REALLY looking forward to talking about that ending because, come on, that was WILD. But I will be going in order of appearance in order to keep my thoughts straight here. The nod to the vintage TV show in the beginning was SO awesome! From the outfits and hair styles right down to the grainy TV filter, it was so fun! And Jen just typing away back at Intelligencia was KILLING me. And theeeeen she woke up in the prison they had for Emil, and all my joy was SUCKED AWAY. I felt so bad, poor Jen! I've said this in so many of my posts, but she has been trying SO HARD to just live life and every episode she gets hit by something. And when she was trying to bargain with Mallory about how they can appeal in court, my heart was shattering for her. Watching her move out of her apartment was interesting to me, too. I'm curious why she just up and left? I know she lost her job, but I was surprised she couldn't keep her apartment. Either way, it made for some interesting plot when she moved back in with her parents. Not her mom putting the exercise machine in her room!! And she had a little No Way Home moment with all the news cast outside her window. At first I thought it was a good idea she went to Emil's retreat home, especially with everything going on. At least it would be quieter there and she could have time to escape from the noise of everything. No way at ALL did I see that plot twist coming that Emil was holding the Intelligencia meeting at his retreat. I feel like I should of, it seems like, obvious, but when I found out I LOST it. But before that, I was really just enjoying Pug and Nikki trying to help Jen out. It was awesome that Nikki was feeding him words through his little AirPod. It was also interesting to me, because I felt like this was part of the show's way of making fun of current Marvel discussion. A lot of what they were saying is a lot of the debates I've been hearing about on this show circulating on TikTok and Twitter since the very first episode. And the fact that they made it SUPER current by even talking about Jane as Thor was so interesting to hear. I felt like this was Marvel's way of subtweeting the haters of the show and showing them how they sound to everyone. And then Jen finds out. Ohhhh she finds out BIG time. And things hit the fan SO FAST. First of all, Emil just turning into the Abomination for motivational speaking had me CRYING. And then Titania showed up and I was low-key convinced she might be fighting for Jen because she missed being enemies with her AHAHA. Especially after reading a few She-Hulk comics lately, I felt like that was something she would totally do. And then BRUCE showed up again and I LOST IT because I love Bruce almost as much as I love Jen, so to see him return for the episode had me. And then-- Disney+ crashed. Well....we all know it didn't really crash. But they had me again, because I TOTALLY thought that my Disney+ just shut off. I was moving my hand to click back on the She-Hulk tab when Jen started talking again and OBLITERATED the fourth wall. Oh my god. This part was the start of my favorite section of this episode. I loved her just popping out of the screen and then jumping into the "Assembled" episodes. And then just walking around the Marvel Studios lot? Absolutely hilarious! I loved seeing that the actual writers of the show just hanging out in the writers room (like Jessica Gao) and the way they were like half-phased to see Jen. They were surprised but were also like "meh, it happens" HAHAH. And their refusal to let her talk to Kevin? Hilarious. No one talks to Kevin! Immediately followed by Jen scrolling through that multi-page NDA had me DYING. Especially where she is a lawyer and probably deals with that stuff ALL. THE. TIME. I'm also curious to know if the security guards she was throwing against the wall actually worked there? Like, did they ask them if they wanted cameos on the show? Or were they just stunt doubles haha! And then she's walking into the giant room. The giant office of Kevin. And I was thinking "This is it. We finally get a Kevin Feige cameo in the MCU! Here we go!" and.... AND THEN HE WAS A ROBOT AND I ABSOLUTELY LOST IT. No plot point has ever been as hilarious to me as the K.E.V.I.N. bot and the fact that they even gave him A LITTLE HAT?! LIKE IRL KEVIN? I'M CRYING YOU GUYS. And there was sO so much in that little snippet of conversation they had... First of all, K.E.V.I.N. telling her to de-Hulk-ify herself because the VFX team was busy working on something else (cue Wakanda music) was SO good. And then proceeding to tell her to do it off screen too HAHAH. I am crying. And I loved Jen debating with him on the way her own show ended. And Jen even vouching for what the fans want to! Give us the X-Men! I'm definitely going to have to rewatch the episode to really take in that conversation again, but I'm pretty sure she mentioned something about waiting until the movie to reveal something big? Was this the show hinting that Jen will be in a movie? That Mark's Hulk will get a solo film? I need to know! Though, then he followed it up by saying that Jen won't be on the big screen, so I don't know what to think. And then her calling out all the daddy issues?! I'M CRYING. But then Jen proceeding to tell him everything he needed to fix about the episode ending was so spot on, and even getting us more Daredevil!! YESSS!! I was so excited to see Matt back again. God, I need to catch up on the Daredevil show. I have loved seeing his character so very much. Good thing we have all this extra stuff to keep us entertained until Born Again! And I loved seeing him have dinner with Jen's family. It gave me Falcon and the Winter Soldier Oreo cake party vibes. And we can't finish this blog without talking about SKAAR?! BRUCE'S SON?! HELLO?! WHERE DID HE COME FROM?! I need to know more. I nEED to know. I mean I'm sure I could figure it out if I looked up some comics right now. But I think part of the fun is not knowing much about Skaar and waiting to learn more about him in the MCU! If someone told me about this finale and how the show ended, I literally would not have believed them until I saw it with my own eyes. This was by far the best season finale since the WandaVision finale. I'm so sad it's over! I'm going to miss Jen so much. Hopefully she makes her return in a movie or even a cameo in Daredevil at some point. What was everyone's favorite part of this one? I loved every second, but the K.E.V.I.N. bot was my all-time favorite hahah! I'll be continuing blog posts with each new Marvel release we have (Wakanda Forever, the Guardians Holiday Special, etc) but is there anything else you all would like to see blog posts about? Let me know in the comments! And for those of you who have been reading my blogs, it means the world to me! Thank you for being here and supporting my little corner of the internet. You guys are the best. Sending lots of love to you, and I hope you all have an amazing weekend. -Jess (@femalepeterparker)
You guys. YOU GUYS. I am SCREAMING OVER THIS SHE-HULK EPISODE! This was the best one yet!!! I’m literally writing this blog on a train to NYCC right now (but because of lack of computer I probably won’t be able to post this until Saturday 🥲) but I NEED TO get my thoughts down before I forget.
Obviously, spoilers for this episode so GET OUT if you haven’t seen it! Okay okay, first of all AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Okay, let me compose my chill so I can talk instead of just SCREAMING THROUGH MY PHONE about how excited I am about this episode. I can’t I can’t I can’t I CAN’T. Okay, one step at a time, Jess. Leap Frog, or whatever his name was, was not my fave this episode. Which like, yeah, that’s the point hahah 😂 but ESPECIALLY when he was trying to blackmail Luke. Nuh-uh. Not on my watch 😤 Luke is such a fun character I love him! I was so happy at the end when he still agreed to make Jen’s Gala dress. But we have to talk about the best part—THE BEST PART—of the episode. DAREDEVIL! Oh my god he was so worth the wait you guys. It was so good to finally see him in action, but the episode was so perfect. Both lawyer Matt AND Daredevil Matt this episode?! We were BLESSED. And seeing Jen’s relationship with him was a 10000000/10. Like, so so so good. I freaking adored the whole thing. I really hope we get a Jennifer Walters cameo in the Daredevil show, dear god. His little walk of shame towards the end, too, DESTROYED ME. And their little quips back and forth with each other (like the echo location joke) was GOLD. God, I love them. New favorite ship forever. Matt and Jen for life ♥️💛💜💚. But wow what a WHIPLASH this episode gave us because my emotions went from extremely happy and excited to GUTTED in about ten seconds. STUPID JOSH I HATE HIM. Poor poor Jen, I can’t even imagine how she must be feeling right now with the leaked footage. Ugh, she doesn’t deserve this. Jen deserves to be happy too you guys 😭😭 Also a side thought, but when Jen was talking to that guy about the Wakandan spear, I was convinced it was going to be tied to the auction in Hawkeye. Maybe I just miss Kate too much 😂😂 I can’t wait for the season finale. I feel like there’s still a lot to wrap up, but I guess we shall see! What was everyone’s favorite part of this episode? I’m still screaming 🙈 Also, while I have you all, be sure to catch me on The Keeg Show this upcoming week for our She-Hulk season finale break down! We’ll be debriefing right after the episode airs at 3 AM EST/ 12 AM PT and you can find the livestream on Keeg’s Twitch channel! Hope to see you all there! Good morning everyone! I hope you all are having a fantastic week and have some fun things planned for your weekend! I just got back a couple days ago from attending the premiere of Hocus Pocus 2 in New York City! My friend Jen had invited me as her plus one and it was such a fun trip! It's always such a joy visiting New York City, I can’t wait to be back a week from today for New York Comic Con!
But until then, we’ve got more She-Hulk to discuss! Let’s jump right into it. SPOILERS FOR SHE-HULK EPISODE 7 You guys. This episode was EVERYTHING I’ve been waiting for!! Jen finding herself, more info on Josh, we’ve got it ALL. Okay, I want to start by talking about the main plot of the episode here—the support group. I loved how this episode had such a fun way of Jen working through her internalized struggles, and it really discussed everything I have been mentioning in my past blogs about how she is slowly starting to realize that she doesn't need to use She-Hulk as a protective barrier for herself. I am so glad that the show addressed her worries surrounding people liking Jen and not just She-Hulk. I also found myself kind of relating to this episode in a way as well. Being an influencer has so many wonderful aspects about it, but especially as someone who is known for impressions and skits I sometimes wonder if people actually want to see things about me. After such a rough week last weekend for me, I felt this episode came at a really good time. Jen didn't even have to break the fourth wall in this one for me to feel like she was talking right at me. And on a more basic level I think it reflects that of what a lot of people online feel! In this day with so much social media, we showcase our best "She-Hulks", our best lives, and don't show our "Jen"s as often. It was so great to see the support group hyping Jen up while also allowing her to talk through her own issues. They weren't rude or mean about it or even condescending. They let her say what they had to say, while also sharing their own experiences to help. I'm so glad that Jen is finally getting to the point she feels confident as both Jen and She-Hulk, but I really am starting to worry how she is going to feel after she eventually finds out about Josh. Ohhhh Josh Josh Josh. I am. SO. Mad. At. Him. I had a small sliver of hope that maybe they were just using him and he actually was a nice guy, that maybe he didn't know he was being followed. But NO. NO! This guy is a jERK. Poor Jen. I am so nervous for her! She just can't catch a break :( I am also a little confused about the very end there after he copies her phone. Was he texting Bruce? Did he take a blood sample? It was like, clear and unclear at the same time. Either way. This guy is bad news. Also the other thing that kind of make me nervous with this, going back to the support group for a second, was the guy who was there that was a part of that group who originally tried to kill her. Is he still working for them? I mean it didn't seem like it, but also Josh didn't seem like it either. Was that another way to get eyes and ears on Jen? God you guys, I know she's going to be fine but I STILL WORRY. Jen is definitely starting to turn into one of my favorite MCU characters. What do you all think is going to happen? I think we've had a pretty slow build so far and I've really liked that so far, but I always get worried that they might rush the finale. I guess we will have to see! Sending all my luck to Jen for these next couple of episodes. -Jess (FPP) Happy She-Hulk Thursday! I can't believe after this week we only have three episodes left! It's going by so fast. But then again, so is the month of September. Can you all believe it is October next week?! Crazy! But I know you all didn't come here to listen to me rant about the passage of time, so let's jump into my She-Hulk review, shall we?
SPOILERS FOR SHE-HULK EPISODE 6! Right off the bat, I could tell this episode was going to be a fun one just from the confetti flying out of the box. Jen's comment about how the wedding episode came at a time that was inconvenient, just like weddings in real life, had me laughing so hard. I think this has been one of the things that I've loved so much about She-Hulk so far, is that it shows so much of that slice-of-life Avengers that we all so crave! It's not always Jen fighting aliens or hulk-smashing things. We also get to learn about her and her personality as well. While I was really hoping to see her new super suit, I think it was cool to see the other outfits that she had made for her to fit as both Jen and She-Hulk this episode! And I think this episode also gave us a nice look into how Jen's still handling trying to find herself as well. Instead of just showing up as Jen to the wedding to begin with, she shows up as She-Hulk because she thinks that is the only way that people will appreciate her there. And can we also talk about how rude Julie is to her? Gosh, poor Jen can't catch a break. All she wants is to feel valued, and the last three episodes she can't even be herself without someone making mean or unnecessary comments towards her :( Titania showing up at the wedding came as a shock to me, to be completely honest. I figured we wouldn't be seeing her for a handful of episodes, and it was just so random that she was there. Not to mention her making a complete fool of herself by trying to start a fight with Jen and then losing BIG TIME. (Another Jen line that made me laugh here was when she was trying to turn into She-Hulk when she was drunk and she said she "forgot how to do it" hahaha!). MR. IMMORTAL!! We can't forget about him. That whole side plot was WILD. But it was so fun to watch Mallory and Nikki interact with one another on a Super Hero case (though, can we even call Mr. Immortal a Super Hero? He wasn't doing much good other than being a home wrecker, haha!). But we absolutely cannot end this blog without talking about what Mallory and Nikki dug up at the end. Finding that website with death threats and horrible messages aimed at Jen is definitely leading into what I'm going to assume is a maaaajor issue in the next few episodes. I do have to say, while Mallory's intentions were nice in trying to protect Jen from going down into a mental spiral, I don't think it was in their best interest to keep that hidden from Jen. I'm siding with Nikki on this one, I'm glad she called her! I think it's important to share information like that just from a standpoint of safety, especially in a world where Super Human Beings exist. And clearly someone is planning some major harm to Jen based on the very very end with that guy she was hanging out with at the wedding! Ugh, I was so hoping she had found her guy! I should have known it was too good to be true! He was so sweet, too. But I'm sure he's probably working for whoever is after Jen right now... Now that we are more than halfway through the show, what has everyone's favorite part been? I'm really loving just getting to learn more about Jen and her fourth wall joke breaks. Hoping for more fourth wall breaks next week!! Well hello hello my lovely people, and happy Monday. I apologize for the late post on this blog discussing Episode 5 of She-Hulk. This past week has been a bit of a rough one for me, and I really needed to slow down and take some time to focus on my mental well-being. And that meant not posting skits/making a blog post right away. So I want to take a quick little second to remind you all that if you are feeling burnt out, tired, or just not yourself, it's okay to take breaks. If you keep pushing yourself without giving yourself the fuel and energy you need, it can quickly lead to exhaustion and burnout. I love you all bunches. Take care of yourselves for me <3
With that being said...let's jump into this week's episode, shall we? Now I typically tend to write these blog posts immediately after watching the episode so that I don't forget any important details, but obviously that didn't happen this week. So bear with me while I write this. Apologies if I miss any big important plot points! But I also think it's best to discuss what really stood out to me here. First of all, I just need to begin by saying that if Marvel doesn't actually make these She Hulk by Titania perfumes, they are REALLY missing a marketing opportunity. I would buy that in a HEARTBEAT. What would a She-Hulk perfume even smell like? The bottles give me maybe like a rose-scented vibe, but I also feel like something earthy smelling would be good too. Like greenery? You know what I mean? Anyways, the Titania commercials and Jen's reactions made me laugh so hard. Also Jen's lawyer Mallory? Absolute GIRL BOSS I love her so much. And the fact that she is played by Renée Elise Goldsberry makes it even better. (Also, idk if you guys have called the 1-877-SHE-HULK number lately, but they changed their whole voicemail to be based around Titania's commercials. HOW FUN IS THAT?!). I have to admit, I thought that they were going to win the case based on the fact that Titania doesn't use a hyphen in her version of the pseudonym and Jen does. (So, for example, Jen uses "She-Hulk" while Titania uses "She Hulk", no hyphen). So I was a little surprised at first about the direction that they decided to go on her case with just proving that it was being used poorly against Jennifer, but in the end it actually made sense. And the fact that she had to bring in her dating profile dates to "save the day" destroyed me. Poor Jen, that must have been so embarrassing. But I think the thing that really stood out to me about Jen's trial here was when that doctor she went on that date with was talking about how She-Hulk was his type but Jennifer wasn't. The hurt in Jen's eyes, and the way she teared up hearing him say that absolutely broke my heart. I think it really speaks on this expectation of women, that some men only look for their "type" based on how women dress, their makeup and physical appearance, rather than who they are as a person and what their life consists of. You can see Jen's heart break the more she realizes this. Absolutely earth shattering. But it did lead to the fun bar scene with Mallory and Jen just hanging out after the trial, and I think that that was really sweet. Whether their relationship is "friends" or if Jen saw them as something more, I thought it was so cute and fun to see them interact after the trial ended. I think the funniest part of the episode by far was Pugh and Nicki trying to get the stylist for Jen so that she has a new suit. The "Avongers" merch made me laugh so hard, and I loved that it was in the style of the 100% Soft emojis that we see on Instagram. And Luke, the stylist, was essentially the Edna Mode of this She-Hulk episode. That was HILARIOUS. I'm so bummed we don't get to see Jen's new outfits yet, but I am really excited for next week's episodes when they will (hopefully) be revealed! Also we can't forget to mention the DAREDEVIL MASK!!! I was so hoping he would show up this week, but having Mallory as Jen's lawyer was a good choice and I'm kind of glad they made us wait a whole other week. Or maybe even more if they decide not to bring him into Episode 6 either... This episode felt a little slower to me, but I think for good reason. If every episode was action packed, it wouldn't make them as special when we finally get to watch them! So overall, I enjoyed the episode. Excited for this week's! Only a few more days. What do you guys think? Is the show leading to anything specific? For now, I'm just enjoying the ride, and can't wait to see what the future of the MCU holds for us :) -Jess (FPP) First off, hello to you all! Happy Friday! I hope you had a good first full week of September. I'm sure many of you have started up school again, things are buckling down at work, etc. The weather is certainly getting cooler here in Massachusetts (though I've heard that over in Cali this week it's been upwards of 100 degrees. Holy cow! I guess summer isn't quite over yet on the west coast.)
We are BACK with another episode of She-Hulk and another blog post! While this episode was short, a lot happened in a small span of time. There is certainly a lot to discuss revolving this episode! So buckle down folks. As always...SPOILERS for She-Hulk: Episode 4 below this line. The episode begins with a lack of some of our most familiar characters and a man named Donny Blaze putting on a magic act. It's always so interesting to have new characters introduced into the MCU, and Donny certainly caused some turmoil this episode for Wong and Jen! You can probably imagine my shock when he pulled out a sling ring. Though I wasn't super overly surprised, as there are many people who train to be Masters of the Mystic Arts. I think this episode brings up a really good point about the way they handle training at the Sanctum legally! If people like Donny learn parts of the Mystic Arts and don't finish their training, they can cause issues that may in the long run threaten the safety of the multiverse (though, is the multiverse really safe after everything that happened in No Way Home and in Multiverse of Madness? Not to mention Kang on the loose....the next Ant-Man can't come soon enough!). Jen really called me out when she was breaking the fourth wall talking about how we were happy to see Wong again. Oof. I mean, I was hahah! I loved Wong before this show, but the few episodes we've had with him in it so far have been making me love him that much more! He's been so fun to have interact with Jen. Especially when Jen seems so exasperated by the fact that Wong knows nothing about the American legal system. Having him barge into the office unannounced through a portal to talk to Jen, you could just see how their lawyer-client relationship (and their friendship!) is building. I also found the second plot line about Jen trying to get back into dating to be very interesting. I think it brings up a good topic of conversation in regards to women in the dating scene, especially when she starts to make a dating profile as She-Hulk rather than as herself. It's almost as if Jen is putting up this front, that she is being a different person to find those that may be a good match for her. I don't think it's until the doctor love interest (that she spends a good chunk of the episode with) leaves her the next morning without eating breakfast that she begins to realize that for herself (also I was SO upset when that happened! She spent all this time making breakfast and he just LEAVES :( poor Jen!). I think she may also be having a realization that she has this newfound fame that might make relationships even messier. That people want to and will date her just because she's the She-Hulk and not for Jen. This speaks volumes, my friends. Don't change yourself and "be a different person" just to be liked by others <3. Jumping back into the plot with Wong, the line when Donny asks what they should do about the goblins and Wong states "call my lawyer!" just MADE the episode for me. We are really starting to see how important Jen is to other Supers in terms of legal aspects AS WELL AS helping out with Super Hero issues. Her hesitation at first with trying to figure out what to do with the goblins flying around was a fun plot point as well. That while she is now a She-Hulk, and did have a little practice with Bruce in Mexico, there is still a lot that she is learning about how to be a Super Hero. I'd say she picked it up pretty fast though! They managed to clear up the mess pretty quickly. Wong and Jen make a good team! The end of the episode ends on a "bummer" as Jen would say, when she gets handed a paper that states she is being sued by Titania for using the name She-Hulk because she didn't have it trademarked. Oh boy. I feel these next few episodes are about to get real messy. I'm so excited to have Titania back though! I've been waiting for her return. It also makes me wonder if a certain street-level Hero may be jumping in to be Jen's lawyer in the next episode 👀 and if that's the case, I think she's going to be JUST fine. He is a really good lawyer 😉 We can't end the blog without talking about our girl Madisynn with "only one y, but it's not where you thiiiiiink!". She was such a lighthearted and fun addition to the episode and I loved her relationship with Wong! Their mutual love for The Sopranos (which eventually turned into This Is Us) and the little after credit scene of them hanging out together was so sweet! It makes me happy for Wong, too. I worry for him, as Sorcerer Supreme. He's got a lot going on! He deserves a relaxing weekend with a friend. Especially after the mess he had to deal with in Multiverse of Madness! In conclusion, I do have to say that out of all of the episodes we've gotten so far, I don't think this one was particularly my favorite, but it did have it's moments! I always try to trust the process. Marvel is very intentional with what they want to discuss and add to the plot in order to set up the future of the MCU, and I am really excited to see next week's episode with a potential Matt Murdock cameo (?!). Until next week, my friends! Have an absolutely lovely weekend! It is FINALLY time to talk all things She-Hulk: Episode 3! It took me a while to watch this episode because my family and I often times try to watch all together. It gets to be a little harder once the school year starts and everyone's schedules are so different! But we made it work, and just finished watching about a half an hour ago. A day later than release, but that's okay!
Obviously, spoilers for She-Hulk: Episode 3 beyond this point! Okay. I just need to start off by saying that I loved Wong in this episode! Oh my gosh, he absolutely cracks me up. He's just so chill and clueless about everything while simultaneously being one of the smartest people alive. He just shows up and admits to a crime and then dips as soon as his job is over 😂 also I find it interesting how when he showed up to admit that he was the one who broke Abomination out, that he was running and out of breath? Does anyone know the exact timeline of this show? What was Wong running from? Was this leading out of Multiverse of Madness or do we think this was something entirely different? Or maybe Wong seriously did just lose track of time. He is the Sorcerer Supreme, after all. I know that this is Jen's show (as she so kindly reminded us at the beginning) but the multiple cameos we've had thus far have been SO so fun! Megan Thee Stallion showing up? That was hilarious! And I just loved how they were getting along and how canonically in the Marvel Universe, Jen is Megan Thee Stallion's lawyer 😂 I am so excited to see who else may show up in the future of the show! There are so many possibilities considering she is a lawyer, specifically for Super Heroes. Not to mention that the trailers show that Daredevil is coming soon 👀 Also can we take a second to talk about those guys who jumped Jen in the street? Who are they connected to? Also there were a lot of Asgardian references this episode, which I found to be interesting! There are Asgardian construction workers with POWER tools now?! How cool is that! But I think it's also concerning that they are trying to snag a DNA sample from her. Are they just trying to gain an upper hand on her? Is someone trying to duplicate her "She-Hulk abilities"? The connections to The Avengers were also interesting, too. I still can't decide if the news people saying she was "rejected" by them was a false news headline made up for views, or if someone on the team outright said that she was not endorsed by them. Kind of interesting since she is a direct blood relative to Bruce. It would be one thing if she was a Hero removed from the team, but she has history of Avengerism in her family! As per usual, this episode was fantastic. I can't wait to see what comes next as we get more into the depth of her story. ⅓ of the way through the show now! And I'm loving every second of it 🤗 -FPP Hello hello! It has been a full week since my last blog post, which also means that we got another episode of She-Hulk today! Ever since the show's premiere last week I have been dying for another episode, and I am so excited that today is the day! Let's jump right into it because I have a lot of thoughts and questions on this one and I can't wait to talk about it with you all. As always, I think it's pretty obvious, but... SPOILERS FOR SHE-HULK EPISODE 2! This episode jumps us right back into where we left off last week after Jen's Hulk-out in the courtroom, and it was interesting to see the public's reaction to it all! The fact that she seems to not like the name "She-Hulk" and even brings up how it feels like a direct attachment to Bruce rather than something that correlates to her specifically can't help but make me think about how she may have been feeling a bit lost in Bruce's shadow all these years. She mentions multiple times during the episode about having worked so hard to get into work as a lawyer, and she still sees that to be a huge part of herself. She clearly doesn't want to throw it all away just because of this (major?) inconvenience, Which I think is what makes the scene so heart breaking when she is trying so hard to get another job after her current law firm lets her go. On one hand, it is understandable why no one else would hire her. A huge percentage of the human population knows who she is at this point, and it would kind of give her an unfair advantage in the courtroom in terms of "celebrity" status, and jurors siding either with or against her just for the sake of her being a "Super Hero" (though Jen would say she doesn't really categorize herself as one...yet ;) ). Her little family dynamic during the dinner scene is so adorable! Also, her dad is really out here asking the real questions about how Hawkeye picks up all those arrows. We need answers, Marvel! For a while I had a theory that Wanda just picked them all up for him using her powers. But since she isn't really hanging out with Clint much these days, I'm thinking he throws some intern work Kate Bishop's way and has her pick all of them up 😅 Forget labeling the arrows, maybe the ought to start with GPS tracking first... Anyways, I am really, really excited to see more of the "Super Hero" cases that Jen will take on in this show. I love how right off the bat they throw us right into the thick of both lawyer AND family drama with Abomination. I do gotta say though, Marvel certainly has an obsession with enclosed glass prisons for their villains. Loki (not once, but twice!), Doctor Strange and America in Multiverse of Madness, Bucky in Civil War, and now Abomination...there's gotta be some I'm missing, right? 😂 Back on the whole Abomination situation though, with the news footage released about him fighting, I am curious where this sets She-Hulk in the MCU timeline. Clearly it happens around the time of Shang-Chi, but I am curious if it is supposed to be simultaneously or if it is happening a few days/weeks/months afterwards. I don't know...what do you all think? I'm gonna have to jump on Marvel Easter Egg TikTok after I finish writing this to see what my theory mutuals think about this one! Also excuse me but...where the heck is Bruce going?! This man takes any chance he can get to hop on a ship and get off Earth, I swear 😭. But also if this has to do with Sakaar, does that mean we'll get some more Grandmaster action soon? Because I would LOVE to see Jeff Goldblum's grand return. Also that joke about Bruce being a "completely different person now. Literally!" had me in stitches. I think that has to be one of the funniest jokes he has ever made in the MCU, hands down. I love how self-aware this show is. And the fourth wall breaks in this one? They're getting so good, you guys, and I feel like it's only just warming up, too. This episode, while more plot driven and not as fast paced as the first, was still so great. Next Thursday can't come soon enough! What is everyone else's thoughts on this one? Do we think we'll get any Shang-Chi cameos at all? What do we think Bruce is up to? Hello friends! I wanted to create a space to discuss Marvel movies, shows and news with you all, and what better way to do that than to create a blog space! And what a great first blog to start with talking about She-Hulk, Episode 1.
Oh my god you guys. I can already tell I am going to love this show SO so much! I was laughing for almost the entire episode. Okay, okay. Starting from the very beginning here. And I think this goes without saying, but... SPOILERS FOR SHE-HULK: EPISODE 1 BELOW THIS LINE! I have to admit to you all, I'm still pretty new on getting into the comics, so I haven't read a lot about She-Hulk. But I have heard certain things about her character before watching this first episode, such as that she breaks the fourth wall, she's very comedic, etc. So when the beginning scene revealed that she became a Hulk because Bruce's blood fell into an open wound in her arm, I honestly was a little surprised. I was almost positive I heard that in the comics she gained it through a blood transfusion. Which, honestly....seems a lot more sanitary than what they did in the show. Not going to lie, hahah! But I digress. After I got over that small plot point of this episode, the rest was SO good. I LOVE Jennifer Walters so far. Her character seems so fun, and is so forward, honest, and true to herself. I also have to admit that I was super excited to have Bruce back! I've missed him so much. It's like getting a hug from an old friend, and a nice reminder that some of the Original Six are still hanging around. Speaking of the Original Six, the references we got to Tony this episode were so great. I practically wept when Bruce told Jennifer the story about how he and Tony built that bar in Mexico together. Or, rather, Bruce built it while Tony sat there and drank. Typical Stark ;) The little things were so bittersweet, like the Iron Man helmet on the table, and the fact that Bruce laid out Tony's old Black Sabbath shirt for Jen? My heart was shattering, I miss Tony so so much. I think I also just love how real and relatable this show is so far. I've been hearing (without spoilers!) from people who went to the premiere and have seen the first four episodes that this show is going to dive deep into the truth of how it is to be a woman existing in the world, and I think we've certainly seen that already with the way that Jennifer talks to Bruce about how she needs to control her anger and her emotions daily because of expectations set on female identifying individuals in this society. We've only gotten one episode so far, but is it too soon to say that this show may be one of my new favorite Marvel shows? I cannot wait for next week!! -FPP |
AuthorJess (@femalepeterparker) is a Marvel Content Creator who creates skits on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube revolving around what the Avengers do when they are off Super Hero duty. Archives
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